How much does an outdoor stage cost to hire?
We find that over 60% of the enquiries we get, the event organisers have no idea of what the cost are to hire a stage, PA, lighting and barriers. While there are differences in the costs between each event, there are a number of things you need to take into account. So how much does an outdoor stage cost to hire?
Location Location Location
The UK is the same wherever you go, right? When comparing quotes for stage hire the well documented north, south divide does come info full effect. It goes without saying that production company costs in York are vastly different from down south. London is its own price zone again with many challenges associated with producing event in the capital.
Where possible try and use the local production supplier to your event, as the difference between costs will be the extra travel time and accommodation needed. When you use a production company from out of your area.
Budget vs event requirements
We know what we need and how much we are willing to pay for it. Isn’t always the best approach to take. While we (the production company) understand the importance of budgeting the difference between pay too little or the focus is on cost saving. Could be the difference between the event being a success or not.
You don’t know, what you don’t know. Good production companies are extremely knowledgeable about what is needed to make your event a success. If your event goes badly because of compromises you have asked the production company to make, against their recommendations. Don’t blame them after, use their knowledge to help you. We have turned down producing events where organisers don’t understand the value of our knowledge and expect a level of service higher than the practice costs.
Has COVID changed the costs of stage and PA hire?
The simple answer is yes, most of our industry was closed for 18 months. Although help was given to a certain extent by the UK government during restrictions. Many of the freelance technicians our industry uses had to find alternative ways to survive. Sadly many of the production technicians haven’t returned which has put a huge hole in staffing. We are really struggling to get experienced staff for events in 2022.
Travel, equipment and parts costs have increased by 10 to 15% in the past 6 months. Event organisers who are still expecting prices to be similar to pre COVID levels need to factor at least a 15 to 20% increase in costs.
What should I expect to pay for stage hire*
As discussed earlier prices change depending on where your event is. The following price guides are based on costs we would expect to charge in the Yorkshire and North Region. How much does an outdoor stage cost to hire?
6m x 6m Trailer Stage Hire day rate £1000 – £1650
10m x 7m Trailer Stage Hire day rate £ 1450 – £2000
PA systems up to 1000 people £500 – £750
PA systems 1000 to 2000 people £1000 – £1500
Technician day rates £250 – £400
We have created packages with our trailer stage which includes everything you would need for live music on the stage. Starting from £1750 a day for an audience of 500 to 1000 people. You can download our brochure here. With all the events we produce, we need as much information from the organiser to help with giving you an accurate quote.
Festival Stage Package Guide Price
*Guide prices and quotes are displayed excluding VAT.
More info is available on our Stage Hire pages, click here for more info.